Remember Ann Frank

The Opinionator

3 min readAug 25, 2020
2.5D animation gif/video of the original Ann Fran Portrait using the public photo as refereence
Ann Frank Portrait original © copyright weidante tokenised on Rarible

I don’t know who presented me the story of Ann Frank, at the time?
But her fatal story is a token for what war and politics are about.
I feel that her existence is been slowly being banished from memory or learning what means a life?
Nowadays people say a lot Of:

**”Is my opinion and I’m entitled of it and you are not going to change it !”**

As we artists and thinkers and our “over intelligence” has the mental stamina to sew the lips, to make you less free, to take your normality under hostage.

People forget Ann Frank was not telling her opinion!
She was a witness of stupidity in ww2, she was only adding more information of her enormous experience of a kid being under the only choice to survive to try to live, so that you would not only have your opinion, also for you to have thoughts of your own accord.

Ann Frank was the victim of the choices made against humanity against your now freedom, against your opinion, and I feel that you are forgetting her.
You are forgetting the agreement of never do that again. That is a token that only you know, how is the value the precise authentic metadata, and the self-censure that need to be in strain.

Ann Frank Portrait worked in AI © copyright weidante tokenised and for sale on Rarible

What if this right-wing or fascists new Leaders emerging organised had a meeting 10 years ago, in there traded signs for planing and deciding all these events to scruw with our heads. like feeding Chickens them selfs

What if all this is intentional? (and only now are compensating the mistake of inviting Trump and Bolsonaro into the loop)
If you think about it they never actually solve anything.

These people are not adding more to humanity then # for the hellish fire of incoming wars.

I mean do you remember the last time that you were not stupefied?

Also feels like that girl in bunker known/learn more of the value of life in a bunker with bombs raining, than these Tim cast minions opinion givers, maximalist believers in Crist or Shim( god=She+him) or a strange version of Mormonism cults and of Kerens and Qa knows the right pretenders of Anonymous.

The images are different stages of using AI GANS on the portrait I painted using the photo of Ann Frank Smiling as reference. All images are more hi res then cent can show.

Ann Frank Portrait worked in AI © copyright weidante tokenised and for sale on Rarible

The results may vary but will be tokenised and for sale. I still don’t know if this a work that I sell for me or will be able to help other artists to get out of the bunker and live for a little more time with unlimited support.

The ones that I feel that are simpler results will be cheaper

Buy them [here]

Ann Frank Portrait worked in AI © copyright weidante tokenised and for sale on Rarible

Buy them [here]



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